What Is Dollarweed?

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Many homeowners strive to maintain a pristine lawn, but dollarweed can quickly derail those efforts. This pesky weed is persistent and tough, posing a challenge for many homeowners to rid it completely. In this article, we'll explore dollarweed, how to identify it, prevention strategies, and effective treatment methods.

Dollarweed, also known as pennywort or marsh pennywort, is a persistent and invasive weed commonly found in lawns, gardens, and moist areas. Scientifically known as Hydrocotyle spp., dollarweed is characterized by its rounded leaves resembling the shape and size of silver dollars, hence its name. This weed spreads rapidly through creeping stems and thrives in moist, poorly drained soils.

Identifying Dollarweed

Recognizing dollarweed is crucial for effective management. Here are some key characteristics to look out for:

  • Round Leaves: Dollarweed leaves are round and flat, resembling silver dollars, with a shiny texture. They typically grow in clusters close to the ground.
  • Creeping Stems: Dollarweed spreads through creeping stems that root at nodes, forming dense mats across the soil surface.
  • White Flowers: In the summer months, dollarweed may produce small, white flowers on stalks rising above the foliage.

Preventing Dollarweed

Prevention plays a significant role in controlling dollarweed infestations. Employ the following strategies to keep your lawn dollarweed-free:

  • Improve Drainage: Ensure proper drainage in your lawn to prevent water accumulation, as dollarweed thrives in moist conditions.
  • Reduce Irrigation: Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to discourage dollarweed growth. Avoid overwatering, especially in areas prone to waterlogging.
  • Maintain Healthy Turf: Regularly mow your lawn at the appropriate height and fertilize appropriately to promote dense turf growth, which can outcompete weeds like dollarweed.

Treating Dollarweed

If dollarweed has already invaded your lawn, there are several treatment options available:

  • Manual Removal: For small infestations, hand pulling or digging out dollarweed plants can be effective. Be sure to remove the entire plant, including roots, to prevent regrowth.
  • Herbicide Application: Selective herbicides formulated specifically for broadleaf weeds like dollarweed can be applied to target the weed while sparing grass. Follow label instructions carefully and apply herbicides during periods of active growth for best results.
  • Professional Assistance: If dollarweed infestations are severe or persistent, consider seeking professional lawn care services, like those at CPM. They can provide tailored treatment plans and expertise to effectively eradicate dollarweed from your lawn.

Dollarweed may present a challenge to lawn care enthusiasts, but with proper identification, prevention measures, and treatment strategies, you can regain control of your lawn. By staying proactive and implementing these methods, you can enjoy a healthy, weed-free lawn year-round.