Coastal Property Maintenance Lawn Care Services

Is It Time to Reseed or Replant?

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With the colder months approaching, it’s that time of year to start prepping your lawn for the next spring season. The best time to prep your lawn for the next season is in the fall season between September and October because it allows new grass seed to establish before the winter season begins. If you want to learn how to evaluate your lawn’s health and whether now is the right time for reseeding or replanting, keeping reading the blog post below.

Best grass varieties for reseeding

In one of our previous blog posts 5 Essential Tips for Achieving a Lush Green Lawn, we briefly touched on the best grass types to grow in Northwest Florida and those include: Bermuda grass, Bahia grass, Zoysia grass, and Centipede grass. Whether you need to spot treat areas in your yard that need a little extra TLC or you need to reseed your entire lawn, these varieties of grass seeds are the best for our zone in 9a.

Renovation techniques

You first need to evaluate your lawn and determine its condition before taking the next steps. If most of your grass has been taken over by weeds or just hasn’t grown back in areas, our recommendation is to start over fresh with fertilizer, soil, and new grass seed.

Soil preparation

Now that the old stuff has all been completely cleared out, it’s time to remove the old grass by cutting out squares or strips of grass with a spade shovel or any shovel with a square edge and haul them away. Before you add new seed and fertilizer, you need to prep and improve the soil by tilling it, smoothing it out, and applying a fertilizer.
Mix together the fertilizer and soil in a large container before spreading it across your lawn. After you spread the soil and fertilizer mixture over your entire yard, use a rake to smooth it all out again to ensure that each seed gets the same amount of water and sunlight.
Lastly, it’s time to seal it all in with some water. Turn your sprinklers on and stop watering until you start to see puddles forming. You will need to water regularly over the next 6 weeks with each week watering slightly less and less. The grass seeds need the most water in the beginning and then a regular maintenance amount of water of an inch and a half of water per week to keep your grass lush and green.
And that’s how you reseed your lawn to prepare for the next spring season! If you are interested in hiring professionals like us at Coastal Property Maintenance to do the job for you, give us a call at (850) 217-4285 or go to our page here to get a fast and free quote!

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